Tuesday 9 October 2012

Why do I want to produce...

My goal is not to get famous or get releases on big labels, when I started I thought that was cool and a good thing to aim for but not any more. After putting in multiple hours over a few days into only 30 seconds or so of a track I've come to the realisation that the only goal I have now is not to compete with anyone/anything but my own standards. It took me a while (about 5 months in total using logic) to get to this point and I feel ashamed of myself for ever setting my goals as label releases etc but it has definitely given me a boost to make more music. No longer are my standards where everyone else is, I don't care if no one likes my productions. It's just a massive bonus to me if they do. I'm making music for me and only me, if you like it then please tell me as I care what you think if you like it because it's motivational, but I don't care if you don't. I feel like I'm finally expressing myself with my productions. Even with no lyrics... this is my personality in music.

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